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Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng tan

Have you ever had the dream of inner peace? Wanted to know easy ways to mediate? Ever thought world peace was possible?

On a recent quest to find inner peace, suggested by Naomi Aldort, a leading parenting guide, inspired by my tantruming toddler, ('your child is a reflection of you') screaming matches were not working.

I googled mediation inner peace and found Chade-Meng Tan, and How to Settle The Mind through Mindfulness, giving 4 ways to mediate, this lead me further to an interview on Korean TV where he mentioned his book Search Inside Yourself.

Chade-Meng, an early google engineer and personal growth pioneer, started Search Inside Yourself as a course at Google, he known as the 'Jolly Good Fellow' he has inspired many at his company and millions with this book 'The unexpected path to achieving success, happiness (and world peace) World peace! Can one really find this with mediation?

I have dabbled with mediation in the past. At Gumley House Convent School for girls where I spend 5 years we had a mediation room painted lilac with scatter cushions, i visited once and in RE we were taken on a couple of guided mediations, down a path into a forest etc. That's been it, until my favourite manifestation mediation, often spoken about on and a few other's I've been investigating for a Top 5 guided mediations coming out in 2017.


My hilarious friend, Jamie Cruisey gave me this book for Christmas, it is very funny and Sophie reminds me of me! Probably why he bought it... Mindfulness is everywhere!

The New York Times bestseller is fascinating, can one really find true happiness by mediating? I find it difficult, my mind wonders especially last night when I couldn't sleep, breathing inner and out peace and in peace out inner. The book says mediation is a practise, to improve, you have to practise everyday, so I will try again tonight and hopefully find inner peace and get some sleep, which will make me happy.

I've read the intro and Chapter One which talks about , Daniel Goleman groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can matter More Than IQ, he has a Top 5 emotional intelligence classifications.

1. Self Awareness: Knowledge of one's internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions

2. Self-regulation: Management of one's internal states, impulses, and resources.

3. Motivation: Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals.

4. Empathy: Awareness of others feelings, needs and concerns.

5. Social skills: Adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others.

How do you fair? Maybe i need need to read that book too!

Chade-Meng second chapter 'Breathing as if Your Life Depends on It, is guided mediation, the opening line

'There is nothing mysterious about mediation. It's really just mental training' Working your mind, exercising your brain, this is what I need!!

The book also covers 'riding your emotions' 'making profits, rowing across oceans and changing the world, empathy and the monkey business of brain tangos and ways to save the world, all things I have a massive interest in! How about you?

I will continue to read the book over December. Chapter 9 'Three Easy Steps to World Peace, part of the next Cazza Investigates : Is World Peace possible by 2060? My lifetime according to my Indian guru...

Please join me and read Search Inside Yourself, I want everyone to be happy and if this works for me, I know it will work for you!!

Sign up to Club Cazza, exciting news for members in the new year.

Hope you are all well and happy, thank you for reading.

Love love love,


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