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Top 5 Intentions for 2017

The end of the year is always time for reflection and 2016 has been difficult for many. Let's look to a bigger brighter future and set some intentions for 2017.

1 : Love and nuture my husband, daughter, family, friends and not forget myself.

One really needs to look after one self, I am currently full of cold and cannot sleep due to many ideas and a splitting headache. January is a great time to detox and exercise with the best intentions to carry on throughout the year. It's so easy to wrapped up in your own world, never forget your loved ones and their needs. Your top team needs to be loved and understood, take time to do simple things like a stroll in the park, a cup of coffee and a chat or perhaps a trip to the cinema, anyone seen Rogue One?

2 : Be an inspiration; growing spreading peace love and happiness, encouraging everyone to follow their dream. has been so important to be this year, I first posted January 1st and have loved investigating, recalling memories, sharing my ideas. I've still finding my niche, I talk about everything and 2017 is the same, I have a diary and have planned the first 4 months, Book of The Month, Cazza Investigates, Top 5 and a new Cazza Collection, I still have a ton of clothes I'd like t share with you. I want to inspire myself and you! I hope the site will improve, one can just keep trying...

3: Gratitude

All the books, webinars and Ted Talks I've watch this year talk about gratitude, giving thanks. I now wake up in the morning and say thank you for three things, they can be simple like the bed I'm sleeping in. Giving thanks sets you up for the day in a positive way. Just before sleep try and remember to say thank you for the day. You will feel your mood lift and focus on the good in your life and not the bad.

4: Sort out the MOOP

MOOP? Matter Out Of Place, a Burning Man phrase and the reason the festival is the cleanest site I've ever seen. After reading and applying The Life Changing Magic of Tidying in January 2016

When one gets busy tidying really is at the bottom of my list. The Craft Cupboard is a mess the loft looks like a whirling dervish has had a party and we really need to reorganise and ask every object in our house ' Do you spark joy?' I will write a post Cazza Investigates MOOP in Jan 2017, there's a great image from a teens bedroom MOOPtastic! The new year is a good time to have a sort out, clear ones home and head from the new year.

5: Practise; mediation, piano playing, French, singing, reading

Practise make perfect! A old saying and often falls on deaf ears, but if you want to improve you have to take time and practise, I'm thinking an hour a day, 10 minutes each, then 10 mins to chill. It's Self Journal advice which is a bit too hardcore foe me 'No white space'

Please write your Top 5 intentions, I'm thinking to have Intention Tuesday and write your goals for the week and weekend. We are making visualisation boards today, please focus on what you want in life not what you haven't got, think positively that the future is yours for the taking, think of your best life and follow your dreams, we are only here once, let's have fun!!

Make 2017 a wonderful year and make your dreams come true.

Please share, like, comment, what are your Top 5 2017 intentions? Please join Club Cazza, I will be hosting events in 2017, exciting times ahead!!

Peace, love and happiness.

Love love love,


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