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Cazza's Sundance - make the sun shine!

Would you like the sun to shine this weekend at Glastonbury Festival or any special occasion this summer?

Today I’m sharing my tried and tested, for over 20 years, Cazza's Sundance! I have performed this dance many times for weddings, anniversaries, parties, festivals… And it always works! Well almost...


Cazza's Sundance started back in 1994, I was away with college chums in Normandy at Julian’s granny's house. It rained solid for 4 days, we even got bored of playing President, an excellent card game. I was reading a yoga book and was inspired by sun salutations, frustrated with the weather I said 'Hey everyone, let’s do a sun dance round something yellow, we can make the sun shine?' We found a pot of Patsy peanut butter with a yellow lid, put it in the middle and we all called the sun to shine whilst doing standing salutations and skipping round.

And it worked!! The next day, glorious sunshine!!!


The night before our wedding the weather report for the Saturday looked a bit drizzly, we gathered everyone for a sun dance, it was impromptu and the only thing we had yellow was a Selfridges bag and a flower windmill.

The morning was damp and grey, slowly improving throughout the day and when we kissed at the ceremony the sun came out, it was magical.


How to make the sun shine with Cazza's Sundance

To perform the sun dance you need something yellow to put in the middle.

You could wear something yellow...

Essential is the total belief the sun will shine for Glastonbury festival this weekend or your special occasion.

On your own or with others, gather in a circle around your yellow item/s and call the sun to shine, chanting whilst doing standing salutations moving forward and round...

‘Come on sunshine come on sunshine, shine shine shine.

Come on sunshine come on sunshine, shine shine shine

Sun shine at Glastonbury Festival, (or your special occasion.)

Sun shine sun shine, shine shine shine.

Then, stand facing in and do forward bends with arms in the air, calling the sun to shine.

Sun shine sun shine sun shine sun shine!'

And wait for the magic to work!


Let's see if we can make it happen this weekend, bring something yellow and let's make the sun shine!

I did film my self last week with a instruction guide to the sun dance but I look like a crazy lady and probably best to keep that off line…

I cannot promise no showers this weekend, but how can you have a rainbow without any rain.

The sundance is fun and all about the magic of believing, try it and see!


Join Club Cazza with your chance to win a classic Cazza fan, keep cool! And check my instagram for exciting news on Thursday...

Please comment below your sun dance wins and if you'd like to see a film of the sun dance...

Love love love,


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