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What is JOY?

July is JOY month on

What is joy? Jumping for joy, something we sing about at Christmas, a high vibration? What brings joy to your life?

Joy is a step up on happiness, it's exhilarating, exciting, wonderful!

The term JOY came to me last year when I read and applied Marie Kondo's Life Changing Magic of Tidying when closing my studio. Asking all my half finished bags and capes, piles of buttons and zips 'Do you spark joy?' I cried at how many failed projects I have and what a failure I was.

So I asked myself 'Can one spark joy in all your life?' I'm happy but why am I unable to have creative success and make money? Leading the life that I dream of, to inspire happiness, love, joy and you to follow your dreams, #dreamsdocometrue Being creative and exploring all my ideas, however crazy...

This has lead me on a path of self discovery and inner work to get over anything holding me back; mainly confidence issues, fear of criticism and fannying around. Luckily I'm working through my barriers and moving on and only working on fun projects that bring me joy.

I LOVE writing and coming up with ideas for posts, it entertains and inspires me and hopefully you. The joy my capes and fans brought to Glastonbury has inspired me to start creating again, Cazza Couture is back! I'm hosting a Festival of Joy styling event with wonderful designer Ali from Age of Reason and many other brilliant creative ladies for an afternoon of fun and of course joy! Email me for the information.


Joy is a high vibration, Christie Marie Sheldon, an Intuitive Healer and Medium who specialises in raising people's personal vibrations to a level of Love or Above.

She introduced the Omega vibration chart. I believe in good vibrations and positive thought and joy is above love, still trying to find peace and enlightenment is years away...

What brings you joy? Sit quietly and think what will makes you really and truly happy? Then focus on it and believe it will happen; no doubts, no fears, no barriers, no excuses. Magically you'll feel inspired and your joy will come to your life. Try it and see...

And check out Christie Marie's heart centre mediation, great to start the day to fill your heart with light, love and joy.

I hope July is joyful for you!

Please join Cazza Fan Club for the chance to win a classic Cazza fan, keep cool when things get hot!

Music Friday is a Joy Mix and lots of fun at the weekend at Cazza x Age of Reason Festival of Joy styling event, email me for details and full report next week.

Have a great day!

Love love love,


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