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JOY meditation music


How are you today?

Are you feeling stressed out, rushed, tense and need to chill out?

Today's Music Friday brings a 23 minute playlist of Joy Mediation Music. After jumping for joy all July, one needs to take it easy...

The playlist is chilled, the songs are floaty, by Meditation Music Zone, Liquid Mind, Earth Essence, Meditation Music Experience and more...

Try this...

Sit quietly, relax and play the playlist and let the sounds wash over you.

Clear your mind and take deep breathes, when you catch yourself thinking about your dry cleaning or something, bring yourself back to your breathe, in and out.

We live at a fast frantic pace. Take time to chill, rest, take it easy for wellness.

23 minutes is all it takes or set a timer alarm for 5 minutes and build up to 23 minutes or more.

Look after yourself; be well and be happy.

Have a great weekend, whatever you do.

Join Cazza fan Club for all my newsletters and a chance to win a classic Cazza fan and more...

Love love love,


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