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Top 5 ways to Learn French


Parle vous Francais?

A small improvement in my 'Learning French 'dream. I have to learn French, we own a small farm in the Correze. This year is the first time staying in the cottage after camping there for two summers, exciting times! (Moments passionnants!)

Every year I write my Top 5 ways to learn French, or my intended ways to learn... I dropped the 'quickly' as learning a language takes time. J'apprends lentement ( I learn slowly )

I took some advice from last years Top 5 Ways to Learn French Quickly I followed Duolingo but found a better app. I haven't practised speaking much or listened to Michel Thomas, still flick through Hugo and has learning with a lover moved up the Top 5...

My new favourite app, learning a language relevant to daily life. The subjects really sinks in as you have to speak the words, write them, use them. There's lots of verbs repeated and tons of photos. It costs between £5-£10 a year depending on monthly payments and annual discounts. I highly recommend this app, the sessions are between 5 and 20 minutes and I was practising daily, alas life has been busy the last month or so, not the best excuse... Je vais pratiquer! (I will practise)

I love this book, a lovely present to GG, we learn together. It's great for pronunciation, I've been saying 'frog' wrong for years. (la grenouille)

There's four double sided cards that slip into a sleeve with illustrations, very basic and perfect for learning vocabulary.

With each card you press GO ( aller)

The cards are

Animals (Les animals)

Let's Go (En avant!)

At Home ( A la masion)

Au Lit ( Bedtime)

My Body ( Mon Corps)

On the farm (A la ferme)

Clothes (Mes Vetements)

Food ( La nourriture)

3. Avec un enseignant

Mais I have a new French teacher, I met her at the Festival of Joy. Suz comes round once a week and we chat and she translates the sentences I want to say, we look through text books and has lent me one to take away. Je promets de lire et d'écouter ( I promise to read and listen) and other funny tidbits.

Looking forward to when we can have all our conversations in French. She is very encouraging and sweet, je serai courageux! ( I will be brave! ) Said I was better than I thought... And she told me the French term below...

4. Sur l'oreiller (on the pillow)

Je t'aime and chat up lines learnt from Duolingo

5. Voila!

My new book, bought from the chap under Brighton station. Another book to dip into 'The new course in French for adult beginners...'


I do fear sounding like the English version of the French policeman in 'Allo 'Allo, mais peut-être drôle... (but maybe funny...)

I will be brave this year, I have my questions written out to ask mes voisins, ( my neighbours) I need their help for my August Cazzasize...

No fear, challenge yourself to do something that scares you, put yourself out there, you can do whatever you want to do! Everything is possible!

New mantra!

Learning a language is a challenge and good for your brain. Great if you want to travel or just have some fun.

Bon vacances mes aimes, merci beaucoup pour lire.

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