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Top 5 Brain Food from Dr Lisa Mosconi

Food is such an important part of life! We love food and need food to replenish our bodies and brains.

What is best to eat to keep your body and brain in top condition when your mantra is The Only Way Is Up!

I refuse to see life as down hill at 40 and investigate ways to keep healthy and dementia free. The first signs are the disease can show up 20-30 years before diagnoses. It's never too late to look after yourself and the more good stuff you can do for yourself, the better your life will be until the end.

Dr Chattergee posted a pod cast with Dr Lisa Mosconi, a neuroscientist and nutritionalist who runs the Alzheimer's Prevention Centre at Cornell University in America. The 60 minute podcast was a fascinating listen with Dr Lisa Mosconi educating us on her top 5 brain foods to fight off dementia and other chronic illnesses.

Dr Lisa Mosconi



Not really a food, however very important!

Your brain is made up of 80% water. We have to replenish our bodies everyday as water cannot be stored. The brain shrinks when dehydrated, leading to brain fog, confusion and dizziness.

The recommendation is 2 litres a day! And not just any old water, spring water rich in minerals and electrolytes. This can be expensive, Dr Lisa suggests taking a mineral supplement to make sure you're getting enough good water into your system.

Top tip! Whenever you have to focus, drink a glass of water and it will improve your attention.


The chemicals found in caviar have a special blend of nutrients, minerals, acids and antioxidants Vitamin A & B super anti ageing especially Vitamin B6 & B12. Caviar can be expensive, fatty fish like salmon, herring, trout, anchovies are a great way to get the nutrients

Top tip! Buy tinned salmon and anchovies to have in your store cupboard for a great source of DHA omega 3, the best. Flax seeds and nuts contain omega 3 however fish and their eggs are the best due to the special blend.


The berries are the best bit of the best of the plant to reproduce the plant to carry on. Berries are rich in essential nutrients , antioxidants great for anti ageing. Berries contain a good amount of sugar glucose, great for energy and rich in fibre.

Top Tip! Blackberries are the best with stronger antioxidants than blueberries and Indian gooseberries are excellent too.


Deep colours of kale, chard, broccoli, romaine lettuce, spinach, parsley are rich in vital nutrients to support your brain.

Top tip!Add spinach to your morning smoothie, broccoli soup is delicious, romaine lettuce great for salads, kale crips are delicious, spread your kale onto a baking tray sprinkle with cinnamon and bake on a low heat 100c for 30-45 minutes, check to get the perfect crunch.


The Mediterranean Diet, high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It usually includes a low intake of meat and dairy foods. This is currently the best diet for illness prevention. Extra Virgin olive oil has a magical blend of Omega 3 and Vitamin E, full of essential fatty acid to protect your heart and brain.

Top tip! Buy a bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Cook with it, dress your salads, have it standing by.


Thank you Dr Chattergee and Dr Mosconi for bringing these foods to our attention. Dr Lisa Mosconi's new book Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power is out now, buy for further reading, visit her website for recipes and more inspiration.

To live your best life, take the advice from experts and apply them to your life.

Thank you for reading.

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