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How to make a Classic Cazza Cape

The return of craftanoon!

It's half term, it's nearly halloween, a big cape season.

I share how to make my Classic Cazza Cape.

First made for lovely Vicki Drama's back stage Bollywood Birthday party Bestival 2007.

Spinning here with great grace.

Cazza Cazza Cape Vicki Drama Bestival 2007

(slightly burry with red eye, my favourite Classic Cazza cape pic)

The cape is so easy to make and from the cheapest sparkly material, I gave them away.

In 2006, I went to the Burning Man for the first time, gifting is one of their ten principles.

I made Hester a Hen cape and her hens for a hilarious Camp Bestival 2008.

Cazza Cazza Cape Hester Camp Bestival 2008

Whilst making them a thought popped into my head, 'If I see Rob Da Bank I ask for a stall, Cazza Capes.'

On meeting some fellow cape lovers,' Cape Town' was built and came to Bestival 2008. (future post)

Cazza Cape Town Bestival 2008.

The Classic Cazza Capes are fun and I'm so happy they continue to be enjoyed by the new generations.

How to make the Classic Cazza Cape.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you are inspired, have fun making, wearing and spinning in your Classic Cazza Cape.

Please join Club Cazza for more inspiring posts and gifting, I have a cazza cape to give away to a new member just in time for the weekend.

Love love,


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