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Walnuts! Power nut for your brain!

Happiness is an abundance of walnuts.

A late harvest from the swing tree, west grove at Le Puy Manie, our French renovation project.

Walnuts are the power nut for your brain. Studies show an improvement in memory and brain function, future proofing youself from Alzheimer’s. They are high in omega 3, known to reduce inflammation in the body; helping with menopause and pms, reduce high cholesterol, lower blood pressure and perfect for a plant diet.

( Source ) Just a handful of walnuts a day will help with your health. Sprinkle on salads, add to your porridge, blend with your smoothies or make these delicious energy treats by the lovely Gem’s Wholesome Kitchen .

GEM’S WONDER BITES If you need to eat something sweet, try these wonder bites packed with walnuts, dates and raw cacao power. They taste so good and you only need 3 ingredients to make them or 4 by adding a drop of orange essential oil for extra energy and positive vibes. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup walnuts (115 g) • 1 cup Medjool dates (200 g) • 2 tbsp raw cacao A drop of orange essential oil. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place the walnuts in a food processor or a powerful blender (food processors work better) and blend until they have a crumbly texture. 2. Add the dates and the cacao and blend again with orange essential oil, if adding. 3. Make balls with your hands and they’re ready to serve. 4. Store the bites in a sealed container at room temperature, although I prefer to keep them in the fridge, especially in summer. Beware these wonder bites are delicious, dates are packed with sugar so try not to eat them all at once (note to self) Walnuts are wonderful, thankfully we have two groves and 30 walnut trees at LPM. Thank you for reading and do make Gem’s wonder bites, they are super nice! Please join Cazza Fan Club for more posts inspiring happiness and a chance to win a classic Cazza fan! And please share your favourite walnut recipes.

Love love love,


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