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Reverse The Signs Of Ageing by Dr Nigma Talib

Happy New Year!! How are you? Did you have a hectic December? I certainly did!!

I investigated Dr Nigma Talib's Reverse The Signs of Ageing last year but I flicked to the product pages in The Beauty Prescription, totally missing the point of the book, so I'm revisiting to really get on top of my CRAZY December.

Christmas started early with our HQ Christmas Carols, much fun was had, late night, early morning with my GG and two friends daughters staying for the weekend, a little disco nap then sped up to London for The Chemical Brothers, epic show! Late night, not much sleep, then though my mum was going to die, no sleep imagining her funeral, ( she was fine and singing the next day at the hairdressers) Next day, a dear friend stayed, late night drinking, not much sleep manifesting the man of her dreams. Followed by a brilliant night with Primal Scream, one of my favourite bands and meet Bobby after, I was super happy!! Again little sleep. This hit with the thought patterns of #makenosmallplans #dreamBIG #golarge #thinkpositive

My mind went into over drive, a new idea every minute and how I can change the world, how are you? Everything is possible!! Some might call it Hyper Mania, I would call it over excited, it was CHRISTMAS!! I basically came up with my life plan and the direction for To promote peace, love and happiness, we start with ourselves, inner peace, self love, true happiness #follow your dreams

Ideas, The Party caring political party, Cazza Coaching, Cazza Charity, Cazza Collections, Channel Cazza. I have BIG plans, will they happen?? I want to be an inspiration, please let me know if I am.

The mania continued into the weekend, Mother Christmas' Party followed by FatBoySlim at the 02 and the filming of Christmas Cazzasize! The shoot didn't go so well at the party and I started to crash and had to be taken home, I missed Norman but my capes had fun. A day in bed then on with the show. A stomp up Hanover to shoot some Christmas Trees then an appointment at the doctor to get something to help me sleep. I said too much to my lovely doctor, she tapped fanatically into her computer and thought I might need referring to the mental health clinic. A met with a lovely therapist who calmed me down, I was fine, just everyone else thought I'd gone mad/too far! It's Christmas I'm excited!!! Christmas Cazzasize got shot by the help of my darling husband, in laws for childcare and Bill on the mic and I did calm down after that, took my sleeping pills meet three Psychiatrists, two in the pub and one was a referral meeting. He was a good listener and said I was fine just need to sleep, one night ok, two nights worry, three nights pop a pill.

Then caught the dreaded Christmas cold, on the big day just before dessert. Battling on through a mixture of cold and flu tabs and booze in Somerset kept me just about going, but I was ruined, not helped by a 3.30am finish on NYE!!

I felt so bad on 1st Jan, not a great way to start the year. I did have a lot of fun though...

I am not 21 anymore, I am double that age and over 40 you really have to look after yourself, so I return to Nigma's book Reverse The Signs of Ageing for her sound advice.

One of my favourites pieces of her advice is to think young! I want to be forever young, just not act like my younger self. Exercise realises endorphins to make you happy and healthy eating; no gluten, no sugar, no diary, no wine. Nigma has a 80/20 rule so nothing is really off limits. Nigmas' advice is broccoli daily, brussel sprouts and cauliflower and legumes. Here's a link to 11 brussel sprout recipes and my favourite Pulse book for inspiration. Rainbow food with some oily fish; salmon, mackerel, sardines and gluten free bread is ok if toasted and nut butter is quite nice.

I'm taking loads of supplements Vitano Woman, Milk Thistle, Evening Primrose Oil, Balance Rhodiola Complex and a tincture from Neals Yard to sleep and half a squeezed lemon with honey, ginger, turmeric and warm water.

January is reboot month, chilling, relaxing planning and plotting.

I'd love all my ideas to happen, will I ever broadcast live from the love room... (left it too late again today.) Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Cazza, I currently have 6 subscribers. I will be making more films, I plan to be a YouTuber...

I highly recommend Nigma's book, she looks amazing!! Her Instagram is really inspiring, she's a great example her methods work, I need to get this snotty face better.

If you've been ill from too much fun or stress please look after yourself. I will be posting ways to improve your life. Next week, Cazza Investigates; Vision Boards, to help to define your year or life, followed by Top 5 breakfast smoothies, then another Cazza Investigates MOOP and my facial Cazzasize, with tried and tested exercises from my years of research, with Music Friday too.

Please join Club Cazza if you like my style, I'm not showing off just using myself as an example that positive thought works, think of your ideal life, more on that next week...

Thank you for reading, it is a loooong one.

Peace love and happiness,


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