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Cazzasize Money, did the dream come true?

Money month continues on and today’s planned post was Cazzasize Money, alas yet again, I failed. Sorry to let down my readers, followers and fans. I learnt a lot from the experience, please read my creative process, I’d like to share with you to help you make your dreams come true.


I used my new D.R.E.A.M.S. acronym and it’s brilliant at organising any dream, idea, aspiration, project, task. I will apply it to all my ideas and I’ve even made a notebook to record them. This is a new idea, I’m testing my life coaching skills on myself and would love to coach you too.

My Moleskin x Cazza DREAMS COME TRUE notebook, the original.


So what happened to Cazzasize Money, another crazy Cazza idea, left to the last minute, I applied my acronym on Monday.



Release Cazzasize Money - Arms routine Friday 29th September 2017


Yes it will happen!


Fun, Happy, Healthy.


-Decide on song from the Money Mix

Money Money Money - Abba.

Love Abba and the line ‘If I got me a wealthy man, I’d fool around and have a ball.’ and did get me thinking what did Abba do with their little bit of money, all £200,000,000 x 4 of it!

Money Power Glory - Lana del Rey

Love this song and Lana, would prefer I have all the money power glory, a bit slow and sultry…

Put your Money On Me - Arcade Fire

Love Arcade Fire’s new album and this song, so cute and funny.

-Buy a green screen - idea to shoot on green screen, make background white with text

-Prep Green Screen ( iron for 2 hours )

-Test Green Screen

-Prep Camera

-Charge batteries

-Prep lights

-Prep tripod.

-Rehearse the routine on camera

-Download rehearsal

-Pick the best routine

-Upload to tv to copy when filming different shots


Mid Shot

Head shot

Arm close up

-Download all the films

-Edit film

-Upload to youtube

-Write post

-Newsletter post

-Social media post.


Monday 25th September

-Buy Green Screen

Tuesday 26th September

-Green Screen delivery

-Prep Green Screen

-Iron Green Screen

-4m long space with 2 x 2m green screens, green screen can have no joins or shadows so a clean 2m piece needed in the middle, the second green screen to be split in two, I spilt the screen the wrong way.

-Sew Green screen back together

-Hang Green Screen.

Wednesday 27th September

-Shoot Cazzasize Money

-Prep the room, remove sofa, move toys

-Set camera on tripod

-Set up lights ( one falls over and smashes the bulb, no spare, Husband dashes into town to buy new one, phew, he was around to help set up.)

-Test the green screen, add a piece on green felt that happened to be in the craft cupboard.

-Set camera on wide for rehearsal, manual focus.

-Rehearse the routine 6 times. Never the same and can’t get through the routine without laughing in hysterics.

-Download to computer.

This is when my R. for reality hit me.

Ever the optimist with my first R. but in reality I am a middle aged woman who hasn't exercised properly for 2 months who’s been eating cakes, biscuits and drinking wine nightly, even through the fuzz of the out of focus rehearsal I know this routine isn’t working.

Reality of not being prepared. Had I been more organised I would of started planning a month ago; eating healthy, exercising at least 3 times a week, spent a day prepping and testing the green screen, choosing the song, practised the routine, made sure my arms are toned, had a spray tan, have a camera person. All lessons learnt for next time.


I see Cazzasize Money as a great success for me. I had so much fun making it, thinking about the idea and dancing around my basement and working out my D.R.E.A.M.S.

One has to have realistic expectations of your dreams.

Cazzasize Money will happen one day, everything takes a lot longer, I'm learning patience.

We all have hopes for the future and we all need help. I'm look for an amazing mentor, my dream of cazza creative success will happen, one day, if you'd like to help me email me, I would love to help you too Dreams Come True For You.

My biggest dream in life is to be happy and dream you will be too.

Join Cazza Fan Club for my future posts to make your dreams come true, you have the chance of winning a classic Cazza fan and more!

Thank you for reading and it is Music Friday here's my Dreams playlist one of my favourites.

Have a great weekend, whatever you do.

Love love love,


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